Topic outline

  • Topic 1

    Cooperative Learning and its principles. Cooperative learning strategies: Jigsaw I, II and III, STAD, TGT, Group Investigation, Think-Pair-Share, Circle of Knowledge, Circle the Sage, Round Robin, Round Table, Send a Problem, Inside/Outside Circle, Three-step Interview, Graffiti, Travellers, Corners, etc.

  • Topic 2

    Content Language Integrated Learning. Learn English and at the same time learn the subject content or learn the subject content and at the same time learn English. Holistic approach, Humanistic approach, Learner-centred approach and Constructivism.

  • Topic 3

    Group Process/ Group Discussion. Types of discusions and debates.

  • Topic 4

    Experiential Learning (role play and simulation). Experiential learning techniques to explore human interactions through the enactment of problem situations followed by discussions.

  • Topic 5

    Inquiry learning (concept formation and concept attainment) to allow students to participate actively in their learning and at the same time practise necessary skills in the subject area.